Tuesday, February 27, 2007


. My THREE Lil Gems....

. NAQIB 'The Leader' (Literally the translation of his name in Arabic) who is also the head of TEAM 506 (His imaginary Superhero Team - other team members include sissy Tayta, Cuzzy Khadra and Khaleeq) is 5 plus. Born on 11th November 2001, he was formerly known as Tatib (pelat for Naqib, courtesy of Tayta), Qibby and Qibster (commercial names created by Mommy and Daddy). He is in school now (well, pre school) attending the 6 year ol class. Will be going to the real school next year. But where, is the question.. We too are unsure yet...

. NELYSA KHADIJA, 'The Lady with Good Traits' is also fondly know as Tayta. This is the courtesy of herself as she couldn't pronounce her name well at the time. Also a member of TEAM 506, she is 3 plus. Born on 30th December 2003, that almost made her a year behind in school. Tayta is also attending pre school in the 4 year ol class. Btw, she was barely 40 days ol when our family went to Melbourne for our short 18 months adventure...

. BABY HELEYNA ZAHRA... 'The Little Flower' was just welcomed to the world on 1st December 2006. Now at 3 months ol, she is yet to be eligible as a member of the TEAM 506... Naqib sez she's too small to be invited... Syian nye ye tu.....


Sarah Hilmi said...

haha ur kids could kill me for real. but it'd be a pleasure to die in their hands. lol love em. love u too!

e W a Z a g h L o L said...

Kak Long! Naqib's bday is 10th November laa babe.. typo pls.. hehe missing my anak sedaras so badly.. come here laa u guys... visit us here..LOVE U~